Chapter 27 The Struggle 7.1
Chapter Seven
It's been five days since news about David came to light. I have been stuck in the giant white mansion at the Feng Clan residents only allowed to leave when I was accompanied by Ren or Maliki. However other than for work I have barley seen them, let alone Mike. I feel so lonely sitting here looking at the same walls every day. The sun rises to the sound of birds chirping and sets to the sound of crickets. The garden is big and beautifully taken care of with many flowers but there are always so many men out there on patrol. After I had left the company that day I had imagined that I would be forced into learning to shoot a gun and to shoot to kill I dreaded it, feared it even. However, it's like I'm a caged bird. I hear whispers lately. The elders who ever they are and some of the men saying that I don't belong by Ren, I can't object to what they are saying. I can't protect myself let alone Ren which is the reason given that I was brought here. The article is finally finished for the magazine though I had to sadly get an extension since Ren has been busy with his other life. Though I couldn't tell Mr. Galiger that. I walk around the mansion to look for Maliki so that I can take the article in to the magazine there are many giant paintings on the walls members of the extensive line of the Feng Clan name. Ren looks a lot like his grandfather compared to his father. Unable to find Maliki I head for Ren's room to see if they are meeting in there. I go to raise my hand to knock when I hear shouting come from the other side. Afraid I jump back from the door, maybe I won't disturb them I quickly turn around running into a stand holding a vase against the wall adjacent to Ren's door. Panicked from the noise I Run without even picking up the vase.
I have no idea what that was about and I'm afraid to know I am already in deep enough I walk around the halls with the manuscript still in hand. I can still feel my body shake with nervousness from the noise from Ren's room. I am staring off into space when I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder and I jump turning to see who it is. Maliki is standing there smiling at me with a mischievous grin.
"Heard you were looking for me." I gulp knowing full well what direction he just came from had he seen me and thinks I was spying.
I nod trying to smile back "I finished the article and I need to get it in right away it's already late."
"Why didn't you ask Ren?" He looks at me quizzically. Honestly, he's been so busy I haven't seen much of him recently and I'm kind of scared to disturb him. Also, if I tell him the manuscript is done he will probably want to read it, I am nervous to have him read it. He will probably just laugh and say it's plan and boring. I ponder how to answer this. I decided it's just best to say I was afraid to trouble you guys but he forbid me leave without an escort, I sigh at my own statement. I really am useless I'm supposed to protect him aren't I, didn't he want me to get my revenge on David myself. I scared myself senseless with this thought and yet I'm stuck being protected.
"Hey, earth to Anna," Maliki was waving his hands in front of my face as I was lost in thought again.
"Oh sorry." I apologize quickly feeling stupid I was ignoring him. I hear a deep sigh from him as he agrees to take me to work because Ren was indeed busy though he doesn't say with what. Five days since he touched me, I wonder if what he first said is coming true will he never touch me again, or maybe he's finally bored of me. I haven't even seen him.
"You know you can go to him too, it might make him happy he's working himself so much without sleep." Maliki says interrupting my thoughts again as he looks over at me I feel like he's reading my thoughts.
"I have no right to go to him." I sigh
"I hear the talk Maliki, I don't belong by his side I was brought in the pretense as a bodyguard but when he's got you and Mike he doesn't need me and I can't even shoot a gun. I get scared even thinking of firing it again." I admit talking to Maliki.
"Plus, I think he's avoiding teaching me, despite all his threats of saying I would learn or, maybe he's just avoiding me all together."
"Probably; a good possibility he is avoiding teaching you but, I doubt he's trying to avoid you. Around you he forgets he is a fearless and ruthless leader. I told you before emotions get us killed and your full of them and there infectious." Maliki drives as he speaks to comfort me.
As we pull up to my work I am about to get out when Maliki stops me handing me my gun instructing I keep it where I can reach it but in my dress, I can't possibly hide this. He then hands me a harness strap that he explains straps to the inner thigh. I do as he says as I secure the harness and place the gun in the holster. It is hard to walk without hitting it but I don't want to be escorted everywhere especially into my workplace that would be more suspicious. Turning in the paper to Mr. Galiger he seemed over joyed. However, upon leaving I was informed I wouldn't have an article to write for a little bit but he would let me know depending on how the article sales where. I was a little sad but this was probably for the best for now.
"So, when is the release date?" Maliki asks smiling as I return to the car.
"Oh, Umm, they were just waiting on me so here in two days it seems. Though I won't have any journalism work again for a while. So, it's back to the mail room every day. I will need to go to work regularly again but, I will be okay you don't need to take me I will go like I use to." I start to explain to Maliki as his smiling face goes flat to my announcement about work.
"Geez and after all that work ruined. That bastard president what's he thinking going against the lord." Maliki mumbles but I don't understand what he's talking about.
"Hey sis; do you need to return to the manor right away?" Maliki says suddenly changing from his grumbling to a surprising question. I shake my head, honestly; I wasn't thrilled with the idea of going back and feeling locked up and alone again.
He smiled with delight but, I had no idea what he was thinking and that worried me.
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