Chapter 1
[//Chapter 1 - The Beginning//]
{Flashback Begin}
...A Female Voice Echos...
"War....War...Never Changes."
"This.....This is War..."
Sound of Machine gun fire and Explosions could be heard in the Distance.
"I Remember Stories of the Past."
Images began to Appear.
"How they Build Weapons to Destroy the Asteroid....and How They were unsuccessful.."
The Image shows the Railguns and Satellites being Built to stop the Asteroid in The Year 2055, But some got threw and destroyed some of the satellites half of orbiting space station "Primera" . The Destruction after.
"Now.....We are On a Different Earth...Far from the Past."
The Fragment of the Asteroid hit the worlds surface in North America, Asia, Europe andand Oceania. The World Plates began to heat up and explode sending large black clouds covering the skies caused the climate to become cold, With World Plates Began to shift making new Continents and creating new cultures, But inside the Fragments of the Asteroid laid a new enemy for humanity struggles in the future.
"But Humanity will see a new light in the future."
The Female Voice Disappeared
[Location:PacFed - Magadan/Port City of RulerPoint Near Anadyr/Year 424 ACF]
The Sound of Tank Fire and Jet Fighters could be heard from afar, A Female Voice Could be heard shouting in the chaos of battle
"Medic!, We got Wounded here!"
The Blonde Female stood as she held a radio in one hand and a Spear in another.
The Combat Medics quickly rushed to help the Wounded Soldiers, The Women who shouted pop out of the Foxhole and began Slashing and Dashing, she had blonde hair and blue eyes. She Then Grabbed her Radio and She Began shouting.
"This is General Elizabeth Requesting Backup from Peacekeeper Teams over!" She shouted over the radio her voice tired.
No Response On the Radio Dead Silence from the radio, she shared at it for a second then clicked it again.
"Peacekeepers...? PKT Glacio...PKT Ember? Responsed!"
She breathed heavily due to shouting.
Nothing Dead Silence over the Radio
She looked at the ground then at the battlefield and continue slash and cut.
Elizabeth Began cutting down Korruptions Ground troops, using her Kore Power "Storm of Snow". Spearing them with her spear with Accurately as the snow began to fall around her, her Powers allowed her to make a snow screen. it began immobilizing some of the enemy "Here comes the snow...Hehe!"
Suddenly Explosion could be seen in the skies, 2 Fighter jets we're fighting each other.
"What's going on are they not on the same side?!"
She watched as the two jets clash suddenly a missile was fired.
"Darn it...This is the end huh....."
She watched as the missile impacted the ground far from where. It send powerful shockwaves around the battlefield.
"I'm sorry my family...i couldn't make it back."
she shed a single tear.
The Screen Turn black as Korruption forces move to her position, as the burning wrecks of tanks burning threw the night sky.
"A New Hero will arise."
{Flashback End}
[Location:PacFed - Arcadia/Capitol Arckangel]
[Date:September 14 ACF 441]
Another Bright and sunny day in Archangel, The Capitol City of the Kingdom of Arcadia, Member of the Pacific Federation. A Military Nation but with Their own anatomy nations, The Kingdom of Arcadia is a Nation Located on the west coast of North America, Cover most all of the west coast The City of Archangel A City of Hope and Life . A Long White Bridge built stretching from one side of the large harbor sea entrance to the other, Built as a symbol of peace after The Unification War. The City was Full of Green life and many more beautiful buildings. A Place of Please and Prosperity.
[Location:TomorrowLand Highschool]
[School Event: Graduation]
[Time: Monday Morning 08:34 AM]
Another Day in Tomorrowland HighSchool, Another Adventure! Look our Main Character Is Coming!
A Boy around 18 with Blonde Hair and Blue eyes was running to his classroom he was late. He Wore Glasses and was like a nerd. Today was his Graduation from HighSchool and into adult life.
He had a bright smile on his face as he arrived at the school gate. Ready for Graduation. His name tag "John"
["Prince John Arcknight"]
[The Prince, Age 20]
John ran down the stairs from his classroom and ran around the corner to find, His Bully at School.
["Michael Mager"]
[The Tank From Magadan, Age 20]
A Tall man with Brown hair and dark eyes.
"What up nerd!."
Michael said with a Smirk and smile.
Michael stood there with his smirk blocked the path to the basketball Court.
"Hello Michael..."
Michael Raised his Eyebrows.
Michael moved his face closer to John, John stepped back words a little.
" can you please move?"
John asked
John Rubbed the back of his head and Chuckle nervously trying to push passed Michael.
John tried to push pass Michael. John tried again but didn't budge He wouldn't budge, He laughed which cause john to get angry and fought back. He maybe not be strong enough to do damage but he stood his ground for while. He Grabbed the led of a nearby trashcan to use it as a shield.
"....I can do this...all of the time"
John said smile a little bleeding, he held up his fist not giving up he was ready to fight.
"Haha Try Nerd!"
Michael Wipped his face, Michael then tried to punch John again.
"How about you stop it?"
Then came a voice
The Voice Made Michael from punching John, The two turned to the source of the voice, A Magadane Girl with Purple Red Hair And Sliver Eyes with a Symbol of a Twilight Star the same age as both of them. She was angry at the bullies for bullying John.
John said in a surprised Tone.
["Penelope P. Roseatte"]
[The Rose Girl, Age 20]
Michael laughed hard and stared at the girl, he smirked at her.
"The Magadane Girl"
Michael Laughed
Penelope Just rolled her eyes and then smiled a little.
"Actually Half Arcadian half Magadane , Now Leave John alone"
Michael just laughed and stared at her with a smirk and Angerly.
"Or what Missy?"
Penelope smiled
Without warning Penelope pulled out a rubber band shooter and shot at Michael with accuracy in into his eye, Michael was blinded for a minute. Penelope Quickly grabbed John hand and with a smile on her face took John to the graduation in the Basket Ball Court.
"Penelope you shouldn't have done that even for me!"
John nervously remarked
"Hahah Come on John it's was fun and Beside we're childhood Friends, Come on enjoy today Graduation day!"
Penelope smiled, her smile which can light up the sky.
Both childhood Friends entered the Basketball hall where the graduation ceremony was held, the Basketball Hall was decorated with White and Blue the colors of the high school.
"We're here."
Penelope said with a Smiled.
[TomorrowLand HS BaseketBall Court]
[Time: Morning 09:30]
John and Penelope Enter the Basketball Court Readying themselves one last time, As they enter The Court. Chairs we're lined up for the Graduating students. There was a stage setup for the students to receive there Diploma, Flowers and balloons and cake. The Ceremony about to begin. John and Penelope sat down with there class. Michael came in as well and sat down behind them angry. Penelope just chuckle at them as they enter still bruise
"This is it huh?"
John looked at Penelope
"Yeah Graduation"
Penelope Smile as she turn toward John, Her warm smile lit his heart.
"So what you're going to do after Graduation...?"
Penelope asked while staring at John
"I don't know yet, What about you?"
John looked down and then back at Penelope.
"Me Joining The Peacekeepers, My Dream to become a Guardtress."
Penelope Chuckle and smile
"My Dream is to become a Guardsmen to, But my Father wouldn't allow since my mother Passed."
John Became sad as he said this. Penelope noticed John sad look on his face, she look down Then put her hand on his and turn toward him with a smile on her face.
"Maybe you can try to ask your father again, you can become a Guardsmen!"
Penelope smile brightly as the Graduation ceremony continues around them.
"Yeah, maybe you're right."
John face lit up with hope.
"I will not take no for an answer!"
"That the spirit John."
Penelope chuckle with gently slapping John back.
"Yeah, Anyways looks like you're up Poppy"
John looked at the stage as the Teacher said Penelope name.
"Stop Calling me that! And Yeah got to go!"
Penelope blush then quickly got up from her chair and ran to the left side of the stage went up and get her diploma, Followed by John a minute later who followed.
Penelope Then Turn toward John and whisper something into his ear as the final group of students got there diploma and cheered so loud the Basketball court shoke.
"//I Have to go take photos, Meet me at the School Gate Okay? We can go Celebrate!\\"
Penelope Winked as she went to go find her Group of Friends.
John nodded as he sat there alone as the Celebration continued, He got up and went to go take some photos with his classmates.
[TomorrowLand HS Gate]
[Time: Afternoon 04:40 PM]
After A Long and eventful Day, John await for Penelope at the Gate. John watched as everyone walking pass, Talking, laughing, taking photos and having fun. John notice Penelope Ran toward John, Her Face covered in makeup in her mouth is a cake her favorite sweet, which cause John laugh.
"Hey John Sorry I'm late, Got caught up with food and makeup!"
Penelope said catching her breathe.
John Reach into his pocket and grab a Handkerchief, He handed it over to Penelope. Penelope took in and began to clear her face, removing the makeup handed john back the Handkerchief.
"Nah Keep it"
John pushes her hand away gently.
"Thanks John"
Penelope smile as she put it in her skirt pocket.
"Now shall we walk?"
"Yeah lets go, Maybe the beach Heard there a Festival going?"
John look at Penelope, She turn toward him and nod.
"Sure and along the way we can stop by the food venders to buy some snacks and we can Celebrate your birthday Lets go! "
Penelope smile as she grab john hand and drag him away. John adjusted his glasses due to them almost falling off. They Arrived at the Train station and got on.
Penelope took john to the train station and got on board and road to the Beach they would arrive in 1 hour.
[Location: Coconut Sweet Beach]
[Time:Dusk 6:12 PM]
Coconut Sweet Beach a popular beach, May people travel to this place due to the best food around a seaside view of the ocean under the moonlight. During the sunset Vender would begin setting up to sell food, there we're also stores to buy lots of things and take photos the palm trees would blow around as the sea wind came in and sometimes coconuts will fall off the palm trees hence the name coconut beach. The Coconut here are so rich in sweet flavor that people from around the nation and Pacific Federation come to buy. Today was the Moonlit Festival, People would come to buy Rare food that are on sell during this time
"<<!!Next Station Coconut Beach!!>>"
The PA Announced over the System .The Train arrived at the Coconut Sweet Beach Station, The Train stopped at the platform as people began to disembark, Penelope drag John by the hand toward. John was shocked at first and ran with Penelope, John Adjusted his glasses and just smile.
"This is fun isn't John?"
Penelope Smiled at John as she guided him toward the Venders , The Moonlit Festival currently in full effect, fire working being setoff and people dancing on the Street.
" is fun."
John Nervously look around, there we're so many people around here.
"Come on! Dance with me!"
Penelope being energetic, Grabbed John hand and giggle spinning the both of them around.
"Careful my glasses might falloff!"
John Laughed
The Firework around them went off the Dusk was still young for them, Later they went around buying some food at the local venders. As John and Penelope talk and ate they walk passed 2 individuals wearing dark hoodies covering there faces, One of them Had a sword another a hammer. Johns stopped and stare at them, Penelope stopped and turn toward john.
"Something wrong?"
Penelope asked look confused.
John Replied still looking at the two individuals.
The Two Disappeared, into the crowd John continue to walk along side Penelope. He couldn't shake his feeling of those two. John and Penelope spent an hour together, Having fun celebrating and eating snacks together. But it would be time for them to go home but before that. Penelope took John by the pier and both stair at the moon together.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
Penelope smiled staring at the moon, She Then gave John a Kiss on the cheek. "Happy Birthday!"
"Uhhh....Heheh Thanks."
John adjusted his glasses and blushed hard.
After Celebrating John birthday the both of them had fun, until it got late and both began to head home together.
[Location: Resident Area]
[Time: Evening 7:59 PM]
John and Penelope we're walking back home, Penelope being apart of the Roseatte Family, a Political Family in Both Arcadia and Magadan. She lived in a mansion with her Butlers and maids. Her Parents we're always busy with business trips and meetings so John was the only one she is close with during her early Years.
"The Moon so Bright today huh?"
John looked up into the sky to watch the moon.
"Sure is John. Almost Getting Tired."
Penelope giggle a little as she was clinging onto john for support as she was beginning to fall asleep.
"Penelope Tired?, I Thought you we're always the energetic one Hahah."
John laugh causing Penelope to roll her eyes.
"Anyways we're here."
Penelope said as they both arrived in front of the Maison Gate, Penelope hug john.
"Thanks For taking me home John"
"That what friends are for!"
John said with a smile.
"You know John you sure have spirits sometime."
Penelope covered her mouth laughing a little.
"Yeah Yeah, anyways i have to go home take care."
John Hugged Penelope back and began walking off waving goodbye.
After Dropping Penelope off John stopped a few miles ahead, He turned around to see a black SUV Following him, It drove right beside him and two armed men got out and opened the door. John sighed and got into the SUV, it drove off toward the Royal Palace.
[Starlight Palace, Arcknight Royal Household]
The Black SUV Drove toward the Royal Palace "Starlight" Where John Lived, The Gates opened as SUV Drove in and dropped John off at the Palace entrance. John got out of the SUV To be greeted by a two girls with blond hair and around 16,One of them had blue eyes while the other had Red eyes, Both wore the same outfit. Surrounded by the Royal Staff
"Big Brother you're back!"
The Red Eye girl said with a smile and energetic Voice.
"Welcome back big brother."
The blue eye girl had with a sleepy tone.
["Princess June and Juniper Arcknight"]
[The Twin Princess, John Young Sister, Both Age 16]
"June Juniper!"
John Hugged his little sisters
"How are you and Where dad?"
"I'm Fine and Dad in his office working as usual."
June said Rolling her eyes Sleepy.
"I'm fine as well, I had fun at school today made many drawings!"
Juniper said with her energetic Voice.
"That Great you two and he is King after all."
John smile as he pat June and Juniper on the head. "Alright ill need to go speak with dad."
John smile as he pat June on the head, He then walk up the steps to the second floor, he walked for awhile before he arrived at his father office. He stood there and knocked on the door. A Voice came.
Knock. Knock.
"Who is it?"
A Man Voice asked from the other side of the door.
"It's me Dad."
John said looking at the door.
After John waited for a few minutes.
"Come in"
A Voice Replied
John open the doors to find an older looking version of him with a beard, He looked up from his papers on his desk.
[King Office]
[King Nicholas Arcknight]
[The 3rd King of Arcadia, John's Father Age 40s]
"Welcome back John, How was school, Sorry i couldn't make it to the graduation?"
Nicholas with a tired look on his face.
"I'm fine Dad and its okay.,...Listen I wanna talk to you about something."
John Said looking at his father.
"Is it about Becoming a Guardsmen?"
His father stood up straight on the chair.
"Yeah....I Know you don't want me nor June and Juniper to become Guardsmen and Guardtress, But i want to Protect This nation."
John said with a stern voice.
"John I Won't allow you to Join."
Nicholas stood his ground staring at John.
"But Dad!"
John said slamming the desk
"Don't give me that tone Young man!"
Nicholas stood up staring at john, But he Sighed.
"...I Don't want you to suffer what me and you're mother been threw."
"I Know Dad.....What Happened to Mom, I Miss her to....But it's time for me to write my own legacy"
John said hugging his father as Nicholas hugged John back.
"Alright...I'll Allow it, But if it get Dangerous i'm Pulling you out of the Academy Alright?"
Nicholas smiled at John warmly.
"Ok Dad i understand."
John nodded then hugged his father tightly.
"I Love you and thank you"
"Alright Alright you're gonna make your old man cry."
Nicholas laughed patting John on the back.
"Now Rest, I Have a call to make."
John Nodded waving goodbye to his father and left for his room to rest, Nicholas sighed but stare at the picture frame. He stared at his Younger self a long time ago. He then reached one of the desk Drawer for his phone and called someone while turning around to look outside at the moon.
"Hey It's me Old Friend....Can you Do Something?"
Nicholas said as he stare at the moon.
[John Room]
John Returned to his room and sat on his bed, He then pulled out his phone and adjusted his glasses.
He Pressed a Number and it began to rang, after a minute an answer.
"Hello John."
Penelope Answered the Call.
"Hey Penelope I got good news!"
John said with a smile.
"Oh, Whats the news?"
She asked Curiously.
"I talked with my Father and he agree for me to Become a Guardsmen and Join The Peacekeepers."
He Smiled as he looked at the phone for a second then.
"REALLY?! That Amazing!"
Penelope replied with a surprised but happy tone of voice.
"Hahah Yes...So When do we leave?"
John asked Penelope.
"Next Week, so Pack everything and get ready Buddy."
Penelope just chuckle.
Penelope and John talked for awhile before it was time to go to bed, They Said Goodnight to each other and went to bed. The Week went by John and Penelope Began training their abilities and Respectful packed there things and got ready to go to The Peacekeeper Academy, As John was Finishing his last set off bags Mr. Jackson Pennson. A Long time Friend of His father and Head Caretaker of the Arcknight Household.
[Jackson Pennson]
[War Veteran Butler, Age 40s]
"Sir, Your Father Request to see you in the Armory Room."
Jackson just stood looking at John.
John stood up and walk toward him.
"Alright thanks."
As John left the room, Pennson took care of John belonging. John Headed toward the Armory.
["Palace Armory"]
John Arrived at the Palace Armory, He Saw his Father waiting at the Entrance. John ran up and stopped in front of him.
"Hello Father, You called for me?"
John said. Looking at his Father Nicholas.
"Son, Since You're Going to become a Guardsmen you need a Weapon."
Nicholas said as he opened the door to the armory and gestures for John to follow.
John Nodded and followed his father inside the Armory Room, Inside were Weapons Sword, ,Spears ,Bows, Hammers Shields and Guns. John was amazed by the room filed with Weapons crafted by hand.
"Now John choose you're Weapon."
Nicholas smiled a little, Reminded of his days when he was young like his son.
John nodded adjusting his glasses and began to look around the room for a weapon that suited him. He Then Noticed a Shield by some boxes, it looked brand new. It was a metal like disc approximately 2.5 feet (0.76 m) in diameter. He Picked it up and stare at it.
"What is this made off?, Feels Heavy but light at the same time." John looked at his father holding the shield.
"A Fusion of Titanium and Aluminium Called "Titaluminum", It Hard as Steel but light to carry. Try it."
Nicholas gesture at the shield for John to try it. "What you are now carrying is the rarest form of Craftsmenshift ever."
"It's Perfect."
John looked at the shield.
"You sure Son, There are Plenty More Weapons to choose from, Our Family as been using swords spears and Guns for a long time."
Nicholas stare at his son with a gesture of proud and worried.
"Thanks, But its like this Shield was made for me."
John held the shield up high, the sunlight shining threw the ceiling Window like a Ray.
"Alright, Consider it a Late Birthday gift."
Nicholas chuckle as he looked at john.
The Moment He Picked up the Shield, A Hero is made.
[//End of Chapter 1//]
[Post Chapter]
[Location: Unknown Abandon Warehouse]
On the Outskirt of the City in an abandon warehouse. Two figures in Dark robes stood secure the area, then place down a small box, Dark Liquid began to come out forming a mirror. on the Other side a Female with Red eyes, White hair and Purple Dress sat on her throne.
She said her Voice, Cold and Heartless. The Two Figures quickly went on there knees, One of them Spoke his Tone was Evil and mischievous.
"Everything goings to Plan My Empress, The Explosive have been planted. But we still need some Extra materials for that other Operation."
The Figure said showing the map of the planned attack Crossed off.
"Alright Good Process with the Second Phase., Tell me when that Operation is Done, Report back"
The Empress Nodded as the Dark liquid dissolves back into the Box.
What do you think?
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